Dnr Sets 2024 Deer Season Framework And Harvest Goals

Dnr Sets 2024 Deer Season Framework And Harvest Goals

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) recently unveiled its proposed deer season framework and harvest goals for the 2024 hunting season. The plan aims to balance population management with hunter satisfaction while considering the state’s long-term deer management objectives.

“We’ve carefully considered the data from our annual deer population surveys and hunter feedback in developing these proposals,” said Luke Jaecks, DNR deer program specialist. “This framework aims to provide opportunities for hunters while maintaining a healthy deer population.”

Wisconsin’s deer management program has been in place for decades and has successfully stabilized the state’s deer population at sustainable levels. The DNR regularly monitors deer populations through aerial and ground surveys to ensure that the herd is managed effectively.

The proposed deer season framework and harvest goals have implications for both hunters and deer populations:

The DNR’s proposed deer season framework and harvest goals are now open for public comment until March 15, 2023. The final framework will be determined after considering all input received. These measures are vital to ensuring the long-term health and sustainability of Wisconsin’s deer herd while providing quality hunting experiences for generations to come.

DNR sets 2024 deer season framework and harvest goals
Image by lakegenevanews.net

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